Happy Holidays!!

Happy Holidays!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Roll Tide!!! I found my thumb......!!!

I went in to check on Averie the other day while she was napping.  Usually she sucks her pacifier for a little while and then spits it out.  On this day, she had found her thumb and was going to town.  Now, she does this every time I put her down to sleep in  her bed.  It's GREAT!!!!

Averie and  Andrew were the best dressed babies at church last Sunday. Their Gram, my mom, made them these outfits that are just fabulous.  As you know, we live in Volunteer country and as an Alabama alumni, I have pledged to bring up my children in the ways of the TIDE, therefore, these outfits were the topic of much discussion at church.  It was GREAT!!!!  Yes, I know Averie has her finger up her nose and Adrew is wagging his tongue....what are you going to do????

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