Happy Holidays!!

Happy Holidays!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Plum Tuckered Out

Today has been a long day for us.  I made the very difficult decision to leave my job and stay home with Averie and Andrew.  I am so looking forward to hanging out with them, but I will miss the people that I work with.  They are wonderful.  Anyway, we rode over to the middle school for me to turn in my letter.  Andrew had had a particularly difficult day with his reflux and had been crying quite a bit.  When we arrived back at home, he cried the whole time I fed Averie.  When it was his turn to eat he ate all of his bottle and it knocked him out cold.  He fell sound asleep and slept for three hours.  I took these pictures after they both went down.  For as hard as the day was with Andrew, that sweet little face makes up for it all.  Don't you think?  My Averie is just too cute with her hand over her head.  I was telling mom that I think she gets that from me.  I have noticed that I sleep with at least one hand up.  Isn't that funny.  Well, what can I say, everyday is an adventure.  


psheepdog said...

Congratulations on being able to stay at home with them. You will never regret it. They are so precious

haileyriss1 said...

i no your going to love bein home with them.... but i am going to miss you at school! noone can ever replace you! you have made a difference in my life!! u r a great band director, and will be an amazing mom!! ur twins are truly lucky!! i love u **hailey**