Happy Holidays!!

Happy Holidays!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Star Wars

First of all, I apologize for these pictures being a little blurry. Today, we went to the Anchorage Museum to see the Star Wars exhibit. We have been meaning to go for a while and finally got down there today. It was very interesting. There were lots of costumes and robots and starships on display for all to see. I could tell you the movie that the costume belonged to before I read the display details. Pretty sad, I know, but I do love Star Wars. Anyway, the babies rode in their stroller for most of the trip, but we did let them out for a little while. In this first picture they are sitting at a display that allowed you to build your own robots. While they were not great at building robots, they were GREAT at pushing the buttons.

Andrew LOVED wielding the Light Saber. It was by far his most favorite moment of the outing. This trip was more for mom and dad. Andrew and Averie were just along for the ride.

Averie and the Storm Trooper. Sorry it's so dark :(

Andrew did not like the Storm Trooper. He burst into tears the second he started walking toward us. I tried to make it better by shaking his hand, but Andrew wasn't having any part of it! It was kind of funny.

1 comment:

Greg Youngblood said...

This is definitely the coolest thing. Andrew looks like he had tons of fun waving around his light saber. I wish I had the money to come visit and see the chickens as you call them. Hope everything is going well. They are too cute.